As spring arrives, many of us will be hanging up our hunt coats and turning their thoughts to the coming show season. Competition schedules begin to arrive through your letter box and riders get excited about the prospect of showing off their horses abilities and competing with their friends.
Then you take a look at your showing gear and you realise its all looking a little tired, dull and worn out, look no further than TOHH.

Knowing exactly what you need to wear will put your mind at ease about the prospect of your upcoming show. This means organisation!
Bowler Hat
When a bowler hat is worn, it must be with collar and tie, a black bowler is always considered correct with a black or navy habit and long black boots, a brown bowler can also be worn with a tweed habit and long brown boots. A plain collared shirt of a muted colour, preferably light cream or pale blue or pink should be worn with a plain tie, tied neatly and tight up to the collar.
A black veil should be worn with a black bowler and brown veil worn with a brown bowler. It is worn crossed over the bun at the back and held in place with hairgrips either side. There should be no creases or wrinkles in the veil.
Brown gloves should be worn with a bowler hat, well fitted and clean.
A waiscoat should be worn under your habit, full or false again of a muted colour, preferably light yellow, check or tattersall.
Underneath your habit, breeches should match the colour of your habit.
Silk Hat
When a silk hat is worn, it must be with a plain cream four-fold or traditional stock which should be tied tight enough to stay in place, but still be comfortable, and secured by a plain stock pin and plain stock shirt should be worn , this is always considered correct with a black or navy habit and long black boots.
A black veil should be worn with a black silk hat. It is worn crossed over the bun at the back and held in place with hairgrips either side. There should be no creases or wrinkles in the veil.
Cream gloves should be worn with a silk hat although brown is also acceptable.
A waiscoat should be worn under your habit, full, false again of a muted colour, preferably light yellow, pale cream.
Underneath your habit, breeches should match the colour of your habit.
Top Tips
Always have the lowest button on your waistcoat left undone
Hairspray wispy hair down.
Cross your veil over your bun at the back and hold in place with hairgrips either side
Wear makeup this should be subtle enough to define the features of the face but not OTT.
No jewellery whatsoever should be worn.
Always rember to carry your SSA points card in your habit pocket.
Spur band should be tight and on the seam of your boot.
Black gloves are not to be warn as traditionally, black gloves signified that you were in mourning and therefore shouldn't be riding.
Your silk hat or bowler should sit just above eyebrows and be straight and level to the ground when mounted.
A very well fitted habit will make the biggest difference to your overall elegant appearance.
Whip or cane no longer than 1 metre in length.
And most importantly HAVE FUN!
All the above availible to purchase from The Old Hunting Habit.